Everest Challenge 2025

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Le Murier - Enjoy - Grow - Achieve : Together
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Dave Le Page Memorial Climb


It was with great sadness that Le Murier School have mourned the loss of a great friend, Dave Le Page.

Dave has a long connection with the school, taking students sailing, supervising and assessing students on DofE expeditions on a voluntary basis and working as a learning support assistant, he will be greatly missed.

In the past few years during The Everest Challenge we have had a “quiet hour”, no flashing lights or loud music. This was to facilitate people in the community with sensory needs to be part of The Everest Challenge.

Dave was involved with Autism Guernsey, many of whose members this hour suited. Therefore in recognition of all that Dave did for so many people in so many ways we are naming this hour in his honour.

“The Dave Le Page Memorial Climb” if anyone would like to come and climb between 12 noon and 1pm on Saturday 24th February please contact the school (office@lemurier.sch.gg)

If you would like a sponsor form please go to https://www.everestchallenge.org.gg/

Or if you would like to make a donation in Dave’s name please Click Here.

RIP Dave

Photo of participants climbing Photo of participants climbing Photo of participants climbing Photo of participants climbing Photo of participants climbing
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